2023 Nashville Seminar

Please rate the 2023 Nashville Seminar by marking the box that most accurately reflects your opinion. Thank you for your participation!

    What was your overall experience of the 2023 Nashville Seminar?

    How would you rate the amount of new information you learned?

    How would you rate the usefulness of this information to your job?

    How would you rate the seminar in terms of meeting your expectations?

    How would you rate the materials/slides presented?

    How would you rate the speaker(s) presentation skills?

    Additional Comments

    Please enter your first & last name below if you are interested in becoming more involved with EDI.

    Finally, we would love if you could share your experience by reviewing us on Google. Reviews help us to continue providing top-tier education and help potential students make a confident decision.

    Thank you again for attending our 2023 seminar!