The Exterior Design Institute maintains three distinct membership categories as described below.
General Member
An applicant for General Membership should have a high school diploma or GED, and six months experience in at least one facet of the building industry. Any on-line or classroom courses, training or seminars in the building industry can be substituted for field or work experience to satisfy this requirement. Individuals in the general membership category have all the rights of membership including the right to vote at general membership meetings, the right to volunteer for committee positions and are eligible to apply for an officer or board position. The General Member completes the required application, passes the Level 1 Certification Exam and pays the annual dues to maintain an active membership.
Life Member
A Life Membership may be applied for by a simple email to the Board of Directors by any General Member and granted by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The applicant must have been an active EDI general member for at least 20 years, and has contributed by serving on EDI Committees and/or held an Officer position and/or held a Board position and/or has served as an instructor. The Life Member has all General Membership rights without paying annual dues.
Associate Member
The Associate Member Category is a non-voting class of membership and was created for individuals who wish to support EDI and its mission and receive member communications and updates. Associate Members may serve on committees, but not Chair a committee. Associate Members may not hold an Officer or Board position. Applicants for the Associate Member Category complete an application and pay the dues and application fee and are automatically accepted.